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 The Golden ring

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.:::|| ami ||:::.
.:::|| ami ||:::.

Nombre de messages : 6903
Age : 62
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2006

The Golden ring Empty
MessageSujet: The Golden ring   The Golden ring EmptyMar 27 Mar 2007 - 23:09

The Golden ring

I would go , would sink into murky depts of time
I would go beyond seas and worlds
hair hanging loose
eyes doleful, regard dull,
having too often cried in vain,
silent, deaf, unfluttered,
having too often prayed, too often roared in vain,
searching for nowhere else, nor somewhere else
lonely, gazing into the infinity.

I shall pass by your side like a shadow,
unnoticed, stealthy, light as a breeze.
At your feet, a rose I will lay
In the center you shall find
an old golden ring rusted
That had never been worn

If you should meet him in walking
thou had given it to me
give it back to him with these words:
"I would have so much want
to carry it forever.
Alas ! it was too large,
it has slipped from my finger".

I shall never know the truth
nor why...

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