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 just listen

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.:::|| ami ||:::.
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Nombre de messages : 6903
Age : 62
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2006

just listen Empty
MessageSujet: just listen   just listen EmptyMar 30 Jan 2007 - 2:19

Just listen by Jay Ork

you lay buried for two thousand years
until a farmer saw you in a furrow
and claimed you for is own

now you cry, still bleeding,
for the sins of Columbus and Reagan
and the wandering spirit of your creator

and you stand, sacred and disciplined,
sharing your vast knowledge with arrogant strangers
who cannot understand the simplicity of your message :

turn off your computers and listen,
just listen

Native American Poetry

et la dernière qui n'est pas une poésie, mais une légende Maori.

Papatuanuku the Earth mother

Papatuanuku the Earth mother was a land of gentle sound,
There was only the songs of birds and the murmur of humans around
Sometimes the earth did rumble, a volcanoes angry burst,
or tribes engaged in battle, where nothing is quietly conserved.

Papatuanuku slept peacufully with the rhytm of this life,
her veins flowed pure with living things, an environment without strife.
Her body remainded healthy for her children to grow strong.
They gathered food to live and taught that waste was wrong.

Upon her body she wore, a beautiful cloak of green,
where creatures lived and fed but were hardly ever seen.
Many years passed peacefully, Papatuanuku slept on.
She missed her husband Rangi, heavenwards he'd gone.

Then one day she woke, and eternity she'd slept
Awakened by horrible pain, as fire swifty swept
Her cloak was terribly ruined, her body burned and charred
She wept because her beauty was permanently scarred

The creatures that used to live in a cloak that once spread wide,
now lived in smaller dwellings, many species died.
but it was just the beginning, of Papatuanuku's plight
for next to come weremonsters with an agonising bite.

It was MAN who drove machines, rolling to and fro
The people, who were her children, had turned into her foe
They dug deep into her flesh, to take the treasures within,
and left huge gaping holes when nothing more was given

Her veins had once run healthy. So pure that we could drink,
but now they are polluted. Some flow as dark as ink
Papatuanuku cries. The deception hard to bare
Her children once so loving, no longer seem to care

And as she slowly dies, we thrive upon her form
All of us forgetting, her body once was warm
We are all her children, for we live upon this land
so think of Mother Earth and show a caring hand

Maori Legend
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